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Under the National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2000, State authorities must report incidents to the State Claims Agency.

An incident is an unplanned or uncontrolled occurrence or sequence of occurrences that caused or had the potential to cause injury, ill-health or disease to a person and/or damage/loss to property/service. State authorities have a statutory requirement to report all incidents to the State Claims Agency.

NIMS, the National Incident Management System, has been rolled out across State authorities to facilitate incident reporting and real-time analysis of incidents. National Incident Reporting forms have also been made available to standardise reporting by State authorities.

Benefits of incident reporting

Incident reporting has three core benefits for State authorities, in that it enables them to:


Analyse and investigate incidents, learn from what went wrong and put in place risk mitigation strategies and initiatives


Contribute to the national data-set of incidents to enhance national learning and improvement


Provide early warning to us of any potential claims and gather relevant information in relation to claims

Incident reporting by State authorities is also crucial to the delivery of our mandate, in that it enables us to:

  • Identify and analyse emerging national and local trends and issue risk advice and / or guidance to mitigate risk, as part of our risk management service
  • Investigate the liability of the State authority in any subsequent claims, as part of our claims resolution service

State Authority Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some common questions about the statutory requirement for State authorities to report incidents to the State Claims Agency.

State Authority Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a State authority and would like to request incident reporting advice or assistance, please get in touch with us.

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