NIMS, the National Incident Management System, is a confidential national end-to-end incident, risk and claims management platform.
NIMS is the system used by State authorities to fulfil the statutory requirement to report incidents to the State Claims Agency and for their own incident and risk management purposes.
NIMS provides a single incident management system and database across the public service, including the health and social care sector.
The system was developed by the State Claims Agency, in consultation with State authorities, and is managed by us on an ongoing basis.

Effectively managing the incident lifecycle from start to finish
NIMS is designed to drive decision-making by user organisations around risk management and mitigation strategies, throughout the incident lifecycle. Users can:
- Gain insights and learning from data
- Identify trends, clusters, hot spots and lessons learned
- Prioritise risk initiatives
- Measure and monitor failure and success
NIMS Helpdesk
The national NIMS Helpdesk is operated by the State Claims Agency on behalf of the State and provides technical support to all users of NIMS.
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NIMS is also used by the State Claims Agency, in support of our mandate, to:
- Analyse incidents that are reported
- Conduct risk reviews to identify national and local trends
- Develop risk management advices and reports to enhance learning and facilitate continuous improvement across State authorities
- Investigate and manage claims
Training and E-Learning
The State Claims Agency provides a range of training options to help and support NIMS users to develop their expertise and upskill.
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Features, analytics and reporting
NIMS simplifies the job of managing incidents, risk and claims, with features that are easy to use, intuitive and reliable. The system facilitates:
- reporting of incidents
- management of incident reviews/investigations
- recording of incident review/investigation conclusions and recommendations
- tracking of recommendations to closure
- analysis of incident and claims data
NIMS’ superior self-service reporting module enables user organisations to report on, interrogate and interpret their incident and claim data. Users can also extract their NIMS data into secondary data visualisation tools for advanced analytic and reporting purposes.
Scheduled management information reports are also generated and delivered to user organisations by the State Claims Agency to further enhance their view of their recorded incident and claims portfolio.
Questions about NIMS?
If you are a State authority and would like to learn more about what NIMS can do for your organisation, please get in touch with us.