The Department of Business, Enterprise and Employment (DBEI) issued the Return to Work Safely Protocol COVID-19 Specific National Protocol for Employers and Workers on 8 May 2020.
This addresses measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace and the requirement to develop a business COVID-19 Response Plan.
While the primary focus will be on creating a workplace that prevents the transmission of COVID-19, employers and management also need to consider those risks related to reoccupying premises and restarting work processes or equipment after they have not been in use for a period of time.
New Risk Advisory Notice
With this in mind, the State Claims Agency has created a practical COVID-19 Building Reoccupation Risk Assessment Template to assist you in the continued management of the risks arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This document describes our risk management advice in respect of the reoccupation of buildings during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that your buildings’ fabric and systems are risk assessed and fit for reoccupation.
An editable format of the risk assessment template is included to allow you to consider site-specific risk factors and incorporate it into your existing arrangements.
View Risk Advisory Notice
The Risk Advisory Notice is available below.
The State Claims Agency has developed a range of indemnity and risk management advices to support State Authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic.