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The State Claims Agency's clinical risk team wrote and delivered a clinical risk, postgraduate course for doctors at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI), 10 September 2015, which will be delivered again in the first quarter of 2016. This course reviewed national data on clinical incidents, claims and costs over a 5 year period and employed specific closed medico legal claims to highlight important teaching points and tools for doctors to avoid incidents, injury and litigation.

In parallel, the clinical risk team wrote and delivered an undergraduate clinical risk course for 4th year medical students at the University of Dublin, Trinity College (30 November 2015).

This outlined the national data on analysis of 10 years of closed claims in specific high risk areas of medicine, the journey from incident reporting to settlement of claim or court appearance, the lessons learned from national incidents and claims in addition to international literature review of recommended tools to prevent clinical incidents and promote patient safety.

A clinical risk course will be run again in 2016 at TCD.

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