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The State Claims Agency (SCA) has announced the winners of this year’s Enterprise Risk Network Recognition Awards.

The Awards acknowledge the leaders in enterprise risk management in the State sector and commend the ongoing process of continuous improvement and progress in the management of risk within the SCA’s State Authorities.

More than 100 submissions were received from State Authorities across the eight categories.

The shortlist of projects included a wide variety of risk initiatives which demonstrate best in class in terms of continuous improvement and progress in the management of enterprise risk across the State sector.

Reflecting on the 2020 awards initiative, Ciarán Breen, Director of the SCA, said:

“There is diverse and excellent risk management work being undertaken across the State and health and social care sectors in Ireland. I am greatly encouraged to see the high standard of the projects and initiatives submitted for consideration this year. Through these Awards, we want to reiterate to our State Authorities the importance of prioritising risk management and continuously striving to improve. By focusing our efforts on proactively managing risk as a sector, we can all help to make our working environment safer for employees, patients, service users and other visitors, and mitigate the cost of claims to the State.”

Pat Kirwan, Deputy Director of the SCA, also congratulated the winners and the finalists on their achievements:

“Risk management is a vital function in State and health and social care organisations. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of occupational health and safety and the people whose job it is to ensure that we are safe in our work. Health and safety risk professionals in all State Authorities demonstrated this year their expertise, adaptability and innovation in response to the pandemic. Most of all they demonstrated their critical value to their organisations. The awards are the SCA’s small gesture of recognitions to some of these professionals. ”

2020 Winners

Award Category


Project Title

Long Term Value Award

Recognises a risk management project or initiative that delivers long term value to a DSA.

Mater Misericordiae University Hospital

Fire Emergency Preparedness

People Award

Recognises a risk management project or initiative that demonstrates a DSA’s ability to adapt to the ever evolving workplace.

Tusla – Child and Family Agency

Work Positive Project Tusla

Adaptive Award

Recognises a risk management project or initiative that demonstrates the DSA’s ability to improve in overall risk and safety culture.

OPW – Office of Public Works

Adaption of Arterial Drainage maintenance and construction services’ integrated management system to comply with ISO45001:2019

Collaboration Award

Recognises a risk management project or initiative which demonstrates collaboration between a DSA (or a group of DSAs) and another organisation (or group of other organisations) on a piece of work.

Drogheda Department of Psychiatry

Implementation of an Aggression and Violence Risk Assessment Pathway

Education and Learning Award

Recognises a risk management project or initiative that delivers a bespoke training course or series of training courses enhancing learning and continuous improvement within a DSA.


Standardisation and Harmonisation of manual handling and people handling training throughout the HSE

NIMS Incident Reporting Award

Recognises a DSA that can demonstrate a significant improvement in their incident reporting rate and subsequent CPRI (Claims Previously Reported as Incident) figures.

TUSLA – Child and Family Agency

Increasing Incident reporting across Tusla, Child and Family Agency via NIMS

NIMS Leader Award

Recognises a DSA that is a leader in the area of engaging with and/or implementing NIMS.

Irish Prison Service

NIMS Data and IPS slip,trips and fall incidents

NIMS Incident Investigation/ Review Award

Recognises a DSA that can demonstrate a significant increase in the number of incidents investigated, as captured on NIMS, and can show the benefits of completing these investigations within their DSA.

Defence Forces

Defence Forces health and safety management system review

The State Claims Agency’s Enterprise Risk Network Recognition Awards celebrate best practice enterprise risk management in the State sector. The Enterprise Risk Network Recognition Awards are aimed at State Authorities covered under the General Indemnity Scheme.

The Awards showcase the progress of organisations and their commitment to continuous improvement in the area of risk management to colleagues and management, peer organisations, the State Claims Agency and other external stakeholders.

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